April 10, 2024

Archlet 'Elevate' in Amsterdam, a joint Event with Cirtuo

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Archlet 'Elevate' in Amsterdam, with Cirtuo

'Elevate' is coming to Amsterdam. Join Archlet and Cirtuo on the 10th of April, 2024 at the Sir Adam Hotel in Amsterdam for an evening of Procurement & Networking. Come and participate in Archlet's Elevate event titled 'Unleashing the Power of Procurement with Data & AI - Creating Synergies between People, Technology and Procurement' in Amsterdam. Join thought leaders as we delve into discussions on Procurement and network with professionals. Our presenters will discuss the personal insights and lessons they've gained during their journeys in digitizing Procurement. Sign up here.

Unleashing the Power of Procurement with Data & AI

Step into the future at Elevate Amsterdam 2024. Dive into the magic where AI, People and Technology unite to redefine how we conquer Supply Chain and Procurement challenges. In an era where technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, staying ahead is more crucial than ever. Recent advancements have outpaced expectations, and the success of technological transformation projects is now paramount. As we navigate this fast evolution, the urgency to ensure project success in the coming decade becomes clear. A successful transformation is not just about keeping up; it’s about securing a competitive advantage. Elevate brings together thought leaders to exchange ideas on mastering change management in this exciting era. Join us at Archlet’s new event series, Elevate, and become a a catalyst for change.

We look forward to seeing you there 👋 Sign up here.


Pioneering thoughts on data-driven sourcing